collaborative evaluation systems

A good evaluation system allows your team to make informed decisions that advance your mission and align your program tightly to participant needs and capacity. It also creates accountability to program funders and other stakeholders, including program participants.

Collaborative evaluation systems are culturally relevant and have a focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Through incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection, they are able to provide a true picture of the impact your program has. There are a host of evidence-based data collection methods to choose from, especially in the qualitative realm, where participatory and Popular Education based strategies can play a valuable role. Colibri Consulting helps organizations zero in on strategies that are most effective for their programs and their communities.

Collaborative Evaluation involves your team in developing a system that works for your organization and your participants.

Colibri Consulting can distill results into clear reports with easily understood data analyses and visualization, rich qualitative insights, and constructive, data-based recommendations for future program improvement. We can also coach your team, building a culture of knowledge sharing and capacity to report results ‘in-house’ on a regular schedule - providing iterative, long term evaluation. Informing program decisions to respond to changing needs and drive your impact forward.

Services (available in Spanish and English) are based on program need, and may include:

  • needs assessments

  • Logic Model development/coaching

  • identification of Key Performance Indicators and measurement tools

  • data collection tool selection, adaptation and facilitation

  • data collection, entry and reporting coaching

  • impact presentation (data visualization, graphics, photos, stories, reports)

To explore options for evaluation system development that meet the needs of your programs, your team and your participants:
